Virtual Touch&Trail | Locarno

Saturday 24 June at 8.30 pm, at Spazio Elle in Locarno, Ariella Vidach AiEP presents VIRTUAL TOUCH&TRAIL, virtual dance performance – DANCEtheDISTANCE project A virtual dance performance with 3 dancers equipped with a VR viewer – one in presence and 2 remotely – inserted in a shared…

MAM contemporanea | Rete MAM

On the occasion of International Museum Day – Sunday 15 May, from 15.30 to 17.30 – the Mendrisiotto Art Museums Network – Rete MAM presents the new production Ariella Vidach AiEP, MAM contemporanea, created for this occasion and choosing to…

KINEXAstudio | Veicolo Danza, Ligornetto

On the occasion of the residency in Ticino in Danza 2022, the dance company Ariella Vidach AiEP – Avventure in Elicottero Prodotti presents a Virtual LAB | 28 > 30 July, from 17 to 19 at Veicolo Danza | Via…

CORPOmemory | LAC Lugano

On January 18, at 8.30 pm at LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura in Lugano, Ariella Vidach AiEP presents CORPOmemory. Corpomemoryis born starting from the observation on the permeability of the body with respect to the media, with a particular reference…

Temporaneo Tempobeat | Oltner tanztage

  In the performance TEMPORANEO TEMPOBEAT the dancers are authors, not just performers in a show that is conceived as a sharing, mutual experience in real time. Using a beat box vocal technique and special software, similar to a loop…

HU_robot | Teatrostudio LAC

  This performance is about augmented reality and robotics, and offers a choreographic experience that opens to multiple levels of sensory perceptions. The dancers get dismembered and multiplied within an unconventionally conceived space, misshaped by a repeatedly changing viewpoint, where…

DANSite | SACEBA | Ticino in Danza

  Dance and video projections in a site specific context. A performative intervention develops  a choreographic actions and images flow, starting from the characteristics of the venue. Choreographic actions and images present  tensions, convergences, contrasts and balances generated between the…

HABITdata – studio version

                HABITdata is focused on the potential of robotic technology applied to choreography. A robotic arm is on stage and tries to interlace a dialogue with the dancers. This choreographic research investigates on…