Fabritia D’Intino

Can Can appears in Paris in the 19th century as a development of the quadrille, a codified dance for couples within which women progressively appropriate the practice of “solo” (typically male). In this movement of emancipation, the use of the legs plays a fundamental role, which, normally hidden by the skirts of the time, acquire more and more mobility and articulation. A revolutionary and erotic dance, for this long banned. The origin of the term Can Can is still debated, however it seems to have to do with the noise, confusion and above all scandal. The different historical aspects in this project are included and declined in a possible interpretation of the present. In particular, the aspect of revolt with respect to the patriarchal vision of the body and relationships becomes the reason for the affirmation of a hypo-performative dance that intends to distance itself from static representation models, looking beyond the predominant canon.

Fabritia D’Intino was born in Foligno in 1986. She graduated from the Accademia Nazionale di Danza in Rome and obtained a BA at ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, in the Netherlands.

In 2011 she started his professional experience with the companies Déjà Donnè and Sosta Palmizi. From 2013 to 2019 he coordinates the Barcelona International Dance Exchange – BIDE platform, taking care of events, residences and workshops in Europe and America.

She is among the artists selected for the EU Dance Moves Cities project and the Movin’Up call for G.A.I., year 2014.

In 2017, with her solo Wannabe, in collaboration with the musician Federico Scettri, he won the In Generazione and TU 35 Expanded awards.

Since 2018 she has collaborated as a dancer with the choreographers Salvo Lombardo and Giuseppe Vincent Giampino and the following year she made her debut at the Le Grand Bain Festival in Roubaix with the Plubelquartet. In the same year she also collaborated with Indisciplinarte and Demetra as artistic coordinator for the participatory project Museo Domestico and is an associate artist of the Chiasma – Salvo Lombardo Company.