interactive solos

Buffers is the choreographic project carried out by the Company in 2002 and represents the third stage of a path of investigation inspired by the figure of the acrobat.

The fool, like the dancer, is a poet in action: as long as he looks up, as long as he remains outside the rules and divisions he is safe; if he instead he looks too low he loses his balance and falls. The three characters who dance in this performance – the acrobat buffer, the buffo buffer and the tragic buffer – are always suspended between the stars and the abyss, and through their gesture they continually ridicule and desecrate the world around them.

Clear and attentive minds that find, in the comic and the tragic, the metamorphic action that gives meaning to their behavior. Free to be everything and nothing, everyone and nobody, they show us that basically they represent each of us and that our true dignity consists in admitting that we are all clowns.

The show includes the presence of a three-dimensional interactive mask which, in direct relationship with the dancers, establishes a sort of virtual dialogue with them. Observing and following their every movement, it reacts to stimuli and provocations with grimaces and expressive features, assuming an autonomous and “intelligent” attitude with respect to the actions performed on the scene. The mask thus becomes a virtual alter ego, an artificial being that experiences emotions and presents its story and soul to the public.


Idea Claudio Prati and Ariella Vidach

Choreography Ariella Vidach

Performer Daniele Albanese, Stefania Trivellin, Ariella Vidach

Interactive graphics Luigi De Aloisio

Interactive programming Paolo Solcia

Scenography Claudio Prati and Paolo Sansoni

Text consulting Susanna Francalanci

Light design Stefano Pirandello

Costumes Lou Antinori

Production 2002 Ariella Vidach-AiEP

Supported by Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, D.E.C.S. Divisione Cultura – Cantone Ticino, Pro Helvetia- Fondazione svizzera per la cultura, Migros percento culturale, Comune di Lugano