Sofia Casprini

Dancer and choreographer. He was born in 1994 in the province of Florence. In 2016 she obtains the BA degree at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance university and in 2018 the Master in Performing Arts at London Contemporary Dance School. She began working for the British Edge dance company, directed by Jeanne Yasko. She also collaborates with companies such as Scottish Dance Theatre and Danish Dance Theatre and works for Dam Van Huynh, Shobana Jeyasingh, Karen and Allen Kaeja and Tony Adigun. She currently works in Italy for Sanpapié Dance and Physical Theatre of Lara Guidetti, for Ariella Vidach AiEP and for international artists such as Jonathan Burrows and Martin Talaga.


HURACAN is a performance that combines contemporary dance, sound and new technologies interaction. It rises up from the desire to create a special setting, halfway between surrealism and concrete, in which to reflect on topics such as birth, destruction and transformation. It is the proposal of a genesis, the appearance of a body marked by contemporaneity.

The title “huracan” comes from the name of the goddess of fire, wind and storms that is considered the creative spirit responsible of the origin of life.

The work develops in a succession of events that continuously change the energy and the space on stage. The body is treated as ductile material that undertakes a journey and passes through different physical and emotional states and atmospheres. Technologies and sound play a fundamental role as they define and follow the transformations of the body which is immersed in an interactive environment: it reacts and explores different patterns. The acoustic environment is generated live through the biophysical activity of the dancer. The drammaturgy of the work is constructed on three main scenarios: Moulding shapes which are inspired to tototemic and animal figures, do contract, vibrate and collapse, acquiring, gradually, an ibrid physical structure which opens to a post-human dimension.


CoreographySofia Casprini e Loredana Tarnovschi

withSofia Casprini (dancer) e Andrea Giomi (sound designer live)

Interaction sound designer Andrea Giomi

Costume designer Marco Barbieri

stage costumes Viorica Tarnovschi e Antonio Abbruzzese

ProductionAriella Vidach AiEP