Giovanfrancesco Giannini

Giovanfrancesco Giannini was born in Naples, class 90. He currently collaborates with Francesca Foscarini, Alessandro Sciarroni, Cia Ariella Vidach AiEP (Milan), Cie Eco Emilio Calcagno (Paris), Fabbrica Europa (Florence), Cia Korper (Naples), ZA Danceworks. Nel 2018 è assistente di Ariella Vidach per il progetto The Migrant School of Bodies, nel 2019 è assistente di Alessandro Sciarroni per il progetto Biennale College, Biennale Danza 2019.

His works have been presented in the festivals: NAO Performing Festival, FOG Triennale Milano Performing Arts Festival, Fabbrica Europa, Romaeuropa, CCDC festival Hong Kong, Korperformer, Secret Florence.

His new work CLOUD/ sharing a new intimacy is among the winners of Ariella Vidach AiEP Milano’s 2019 NAOcrea call and finalist of DNAppunti choreografici 2019 Romaeuropa.

His project Memoriesin collaboration with the artists Fabio Novembrini and Valentina Zappa is among the winners of the call Crossing The Sea 2019 (Marche Teatro).

In 2020 he is among the Italian artists selected for CRISOLproject of internationalization of creative processes funded under the Boarding Pass Plus 2019 program promoted by MiBACT.