Annamaria Ajmone

Born in Lodi in 1981, she graduated in Modern Literature with a thesis entitled L’esperienza del Teatro immagine in Italia, at the State University of Milan, and graduated as a dancer at the Scuola di Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi, under the didactic direction of Marinella Guatterini. She deepens her studies following different seminars but fundamental is the meeting with Erna Omarsdottir, Emio Greco, Yuval Pick, Simona Bertozzi.

In 2007, within the Academic path, she realized her first choreographic project Ho un dubbio in collaboration with Marcela Santander Corvalan, presented at Castel dei Mondi Festival and Venaria Real Festival

In 2008 with Ilaria Tanini and Marcello Gori he founded the CleanCorner Collective, from which Addictions was born. Addictions. Dance performance in concert form,produced by Teatro Crt in Milan, from which the disc Addictions, and the show INBETWEEN, finalist at Nuove Sensibilità, Nuovo Teatro Nuovo, Naples.

In 2013 with Chiara Ameglio and Marcello Gori he realizes [In], finalist at Premio Equilibrio 2014.

From 2008 to 2009 she worked as a dancer for Guilherme Bothelo, Alias company (CH). From 2009 to today she participates in all the productions of Compagnia Ariella Vidach-Aiep (IT/CH). Performer in the show Rock Rose Wow by Daniele Ninarello (IT), Come in cielo così in terra Elisabetta Consonni (IT), KonyaSantasangre (IT).