New Tailoring Tales


New Tailoring Tales is a participatory and interactive installation that allows users to relate in real time with their own clone to dress him, choosing from the textures the models of costumes and the patterns proposed by the fashion designer Luigi Sossi for the creation of a dress that will activate a choreography performed in real time by the performer present in the room.

A direct dialogue is created between the design created by the user and the interpretation of the dancer who will propose a danced version of the model created virtually for every occasion and every spectator. The project opens towards a conception of fashion and design conceived and built by the users themselves to give voice to a personal expression of clothing based on everyone’s needs and personality. The creation of the dress offers a more personal expressive opportunity that confronts contemporary thought in relation to its ongoing social and political transformations. The result of the interactions will be reproduced by a 3D printer.

Winning project of the tender REAL-IN, presented by VRHAM! Arti visive e Interactive design – partner La Manufacture (Avignone), ESPRONCEDA (Barcellona) and MEET Digital Culture Center (Milano).