EXP interactive dance performance


EXPis an interactive dance performance using the Mandala System virtual reality system.

The multimedia work proposes a direct connection between body and immaterial sets.

The movements of the dancers, filmed by two cameras positioned on the stage, are processed into images through a digitizer card and then inserted into virtual scenes. The body becomes a sort of living mouse that interacts with the icons, creating in real time the sound and visual column of the show.

The virtual scenarios, created by the visual artist Massimo Cittadini, are different in their graphic concept, but they are inspired by a creative idea of mapping the virtual space; a sort of Cartesian plane of reference for the body of the dancer exploring the space. In the two-dimensional virtual space, words float, multicolored videogame insects, musical grids are drawn and small firmaments of dots that sound and light up red as the dancers pass by.

The body claims its space: filter of social and cultural changes, vehicle of the new feeling, unique and true author of every change.

Lenght 60’

Preview: Scuola Paolo Grassi – Milano 12/11/1995

Opening: Concorso di Bagnolet – Ginevra – Salle Patino 26/01/96


Choreography Ariella Vidach

Mandala System VR Massimo Cittadini

Sound design Franz Treichler (Young Gods)

Video and artistic consulting Claudio Prati

Performers Marta Molinari, Claudia Pintus, Ariella Vidach

Costumes Lucia Lapolla, Ariella Vidach

Light Design Michele Alvarez

Light Operator Lorenzo Giuggioli

Texts and theoretical advice Antonio Caronia

Organization Maria Luisa Buzzi

Graphic Design Patrizio Solca’

Production Aiep – Atelier Gluck